Advanced Data Structures: Implementing Tries in C++ and Java
This course covers the intuition, implementation and problem-solving using tries.
Trie is an efficient tree-like data structure used to store and retrieve information. It is frequently tested in coding interviews, indicating its widespread use in solving many real-world software engineering challenges.
This course covers every aspect of the trie data structure, from the intuition of building a trie to coding it in famous programming languages for solving algorithmic problems and designing real-world systems. It assumes a prior knowledge of trees and basic data structures like lists and arrays.
The problems in this course are categorized into various patterns, which will help you map new solutions to known issues using tries. The problems are of varying difficulties, from easy to hard, thus giving you an iterative learning experience. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to decode relevant trie problems, code their solutions in C++ and Java, and apply trie concepts to design complex software systems.
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