How to Gatsby: The Complete Course
Gatsby is a React-based, GraphQL-powered static site generator. It produces static HTML files that can be loaded onto a server.
Gatsby is a React-based and GraphQL-powered static site generator. It delivers websites with excellent loading speed. It can be used to build diverse websites, including websites with static data—like portfolios and informative websites—and rich and dynamic web apps like blogs, e-commerce sites, and more. Gatsby fetches data at build-time from different sources and compiles it into static HTML, which can then be deployed to your favorite web server.
In this course, you’ll learn about the basics of Gatsby, including the use of starters, themes, plugins, layouts, and pages. You’ll then learn how to query data with GraphQL and fetch data from various data sources. You’ll also see how to style Gatsby projects and add features such as custom 404 pages and SEOs. In the end, you’ll see how to deploy Gatsby websites on different cloud hosting platforms.
This course enables new and existing frontend web developers to become masters in GatsbyJS and use this tool to create blazingly fast static web projects.
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