If you are thinking about starting out as a web designer you have probably tried to harness Photoshop sometime in the past.
You probably spent countless hours trying to figure out that monstrous program.
I know the pain.
I remember spending days after days, weeks after weeks just to remember how tools and effects work.
Luckily we live in times when if you want to start a career as a web design freelancer, you can just put Photoshop aside.
Hi, my name is Dawid Tuminski and in this course you will learn how to use Affinity Designer to design websites from A-Z.
This course is packed with valuable info any web design rookie should know, such as:
- How to choose the BEST colors and fonts for your websites
- What makes a professionally designed website
- What are the modern web design trends you should know about
- How to build website is visual guides, such as wireframes and grids
and that is just the introduction!
Because the real bread and butter of this course is inside its practical parts.
We will get our hands dirty and explore all the tools and techniques professional web designers use to design a website inside Affinity Designer.
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