Visualizing Geospatial Data in R
Learn to read, explore, and manipulate spatial data then use your skills to create informative maps using R.
Where should you buy a house to get the most value for your money? Your first step might be to make a map, but spatial analysis in R can be intimidating because of the complicated objects the data often live in.This course will introduce you to spatial data by starting with objects you already know about, data frames, before introducing you to the special objects from the sp and raster packages used to represent spatial data for analysis in R. You’ll learn to read, explore, and manipulate these objects with the big payoff of being able to use the tmap package to make maps.By the end of the course you will have made maps of property sales in a small town, populations of the countries of the world, the distribution of people in the North East of the USA, and median income in the neighborhoods of New York City.
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