Spring Framework 4: Spring Data JPA
This course introduces the Spring Data JPA framework.
Spring Data JPA is a data access layer framework that can greatly increase developer productivity. In this course, Spring Framework: Spring Data JPA, you will be introduced to the framework of Spring. Next, you will witness a demonstration of how to install it. Finally, you will spend some time working with some real world examples. When you are finished with this course, you will have an understanding of Query annotations and custom repositories. Prior experience with JPA and Spring will be beneficial to get the most out of this course.
Author Name: Dan Bunker
Author Description:
Dan Bunker is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Monolith Brands Group, an eCommerce company based in Brooklyn, New York. Dan has used a variety of technologies throughout his career. He currently has expertise with Java, Ruby, Python and JavaScript languages and related technologies. In addition to a passion for software development (SaaS), Dan enjoys mentoring, training and advising engineers and developers in their careers.
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Getting Started
31mins - Spring Data JPA Repositories
29mins - Query DSL Overview
44mins - More Fun with Queries
26mins - Advanced Features
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