GitBash Commands on Windows for Beginners
Learn GitBash commands for Windows beginners. Get started with version control by mastering basic Git commands, navigating repositories, and understanding Git workflows for efficient collaboration and code management.
At a Glance
Git Bash is a Unix shell environment that provides users with a command-line interface for version control using Git, a distributed version control system. In this guided project, you will learn how to run bash commands on Microsoft Windows.
Git Bash is a shell environment for Microsoft Windows that provides a Unix-style command-line interface for version control using Git. Git Bash provides a way to manage and track changes to source code and other text files, making it a valuable tool for software development and other collaboration-intensive workflows.
In this guided project, you’ll explore how to get set up with Git Bash in order to execute bash commands.
You’ll start by downloading Git. This project will walk you through how to install Git and Bash. Once you have completed the installation, you can open the Git Bash terminal to enter Git and Bash commands.
Completing this project will prepare you to run Git and Bash commands on Microsoft Windows.
A Look at the Project Ahead
After completing this project, you’ll be able to:
- Execute bash commands on Microsoft Windows
What You’ll Need
For this project, you will need:
- Just a web browser!
Everything else is provided to you via the IBM Skills Network Lab environment. This platform works best with current versions of modern browsers.
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