Containerizing and running Java microservices in Docker cont
Learn how to containerize Java microservices using Docker. Discover how to build, package, and run your Java applications in isolated containers to simplify development, deployment, and scalability in microservices architectures.
At a Glance
Learn how to containerize and run your microservices with Open Liberty using Docker.
You can easily deploy your microservices in different environments in a lightweight and portable manner by using containers. From development to production and across your DevOps environments, you can deploy your microservices consistently and efficiently with containers. You can run a container from a container image. Each container image is a package of what you need to run your microservice or application, from the code to its dependencies and configuration.
You’ll learn how to build container images and run containers using Docker for your microservices. You’ll construct Dockerfile files, create Docker images by using the docker build command, and run the image as Docker containers by using docker run command.
The two microservices that you’ll be working with are called system and inventory. The system microservice returns the JVM system properties of the running container. The inventory microservice adds the properties from the system microservice to the inventory. This guide demonstrates how both microservices can run and communicate with each other in different Docker containers.
Created by
The Open Liberty Project team
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