Containerizing, packaging, and running a Spring Boot app
Master the art of containerizing, packaging, and running Spring Boot applications in Docker. Learn how to streamline deployment, manage microservices, and ensure your Spring Boot app runs seamlessly in containers for production environments.
At a Glance
Learn how to containerize, package, and run a Spring Boot application on an Open Liberty server without modification.
The starting point of this guide is the finished application from Spring’s Building an Application with Spring Boot guide. If you are not familiar with Spring Boot, complete that guide first. Java 8 is required to run this project.
You will learn how to use the springBootUtility command to deploy a Spring Boot application in Docker on an Open Liberty server without modification. This command stores the dependent library JAR files of the application to the target library cache, and packages the remaining application artifacts into a thin application JAR file.
You will also learn how to run the Spring Boot application locally with an Open Liberty server, and how to package it so that it is embedded with an Open Liberty server.
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