Consuming a RESTful Java web service using JSON-B and JSON-P
Learn how to consume RESTful Java web services using JSON-B and JSON-P. Discover the power of Java APIs for processing JSON data, enabling seamless communication between web services and front-end applications through effective data parsing and binding.
At a Glance
Explore how to access a simple RESTful web service and consume its resources in Java using JSON-B and JSON-P.
You will learn how to access a REST service, serialize a Java object that contains a list of artists and their albums, and use two different approaches to deserialize the returned JSON resources. The first approach consists of using the Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B) to directly convert JSON messages into Java objects. The second approach consists of using the Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P) to process the JSON.
The REST service that provides the artists and albums resources is already written for you. When the server is running, this service is accessible at the http://localhost:9080/artists endpoint, which responds with the artists.json file.
You will implement the following two endpoints using the two deserialization approaches:
- …/artists/total to return the total number of artists in the JSON
- …/artists/total/<artist> to return the total number of albums in the JSON for the particular artist
If you are interested in learning more about REST services and how you can write them, read Creating a RESTful web service.
Created by
The Open Liberty Project team
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