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Case Studies: Building Web Applications with Shiny in R
Practice your Shiny skills while building some fun Shiny apps for real-life scenarios!
Categorical Data in the Tidyverse
Get ready to categorize! In this course, you will work with non-numerical data, such as job titles or survey responses, using the Tidyverse landscape.
Structural Equation Modeling with lavaan in R
Learn how to create and assess measurement models used to confirm the structure of a scale or questionnaire.
Inference for Linear Regression in R
In this course you'll learn how to perform inference using linear models.
Baseball Data Visualization in Power BI
Discover how to analyze and visualize baseball data using Power BI. Create scatter plots, tornado charts, and gauges to bring baseball insights alive.
Discrete Event Simulation in Python
Discover the power of discrete-event simulation in optimizing your business processes. Learn to develop digital twins using Python's SimPy package.
Importing and Managing Financial Data in R
Learn how to access financial data from local files as well as from internet sources.
Analyzing Police Activity with pandas
Explore the Stanford Open Policing Project dataset and analyze the impact of gender on police behavior using pandas.
Case Study: Supply Chain Analytics in Tableau
Dive into our Tableau case study on supply chain analytics. Tackle shipment, inventory management, and dashboard creation to drive business improvements.
Joining Data with data.table in R
This course will show you how to combine and merge datasets with data.table.
Analyzing Survey Data in Python
Learn how to analyze survey data with Python and discover when it is appropriate to apply statistical tools that are descriptive and inferential in nature.
HR Analytics: Exploring Employee Data in R
Learn how to manipulate, visualize, and perform statistical tests through a series of HR analytics case studies.
Parallel Programming with Dask in Python
Learn how to use Python parallel programming with Dask to upscale your workflows and efficiently handle big data.
Machine Translation with Keras
Are you curious about the inner workings of the models that are behind products like Google Translate?
Machine Learning in the Tidyverse
Leverage tidyr and purrr packages in the tidyverse to generate, explore, and evaluate machine learning models.
Building Recommendation Engines with PySpark
Learn tools and techniques to leverage your own big data to facilitate positive experiences for your users.
Interactive Maps with leaflet in R
Learn how to produce interactive web maps with ease using leaflet.
Case Study: HR Analytics in Tableau
Explore HR data analysis in Tableau with this case study.
A/B Testing in R
Learn the basics of A/B testing in R, including how to design experiments, analyze data, predict outcomes, and present results through visualizations.
Python for R Users
This course is for R users who want to get up to speed with Python!
Time Series Analysis in PostgreSQL
Learn how to use PostgreSQL to handle time series analysis effectively and apply these techniques to real-world data.
Support Vector Machines in R
This course will introduce the support vector machine (SVM) using an intuitive, visual approach.
Handling Missing Data with Imputations in R
Diagnose, visualize and treat missing data with a range of imputation techniques with tips to improve your results.
Case Study: Ecommerce Analysis in Power BI
In ecommerce, increasing sales and reducing costs are key. Analyze data from an online pet supply company using Power BI.