Showing 16309–16320 of 18767 results

Streamline Resume Creation with Generative AI Case Study
Use generative AI to create a custom resume, tailor-made to a specific job application that includes relevant keywords for improved discoverability.

Streamlined Data Ingestion with pandas
Learn to acquire data from common file formats and systems such as CSV files, spreadsheets, JSON, SQL databases, and APIs.

Streamlining API Management Using Google Apigee
This course is about working with Apigee, an API management platform that enables providers to design, secure, deploy, monitor, and scale APIs. Acquired by Google in 2016, Apigee is popular and works seamlessly with Google App Engine.

Streamlining Your Incident Response Process with Splunk
In this course, you’ll learn how Splunk can help streamline your incident response (IR) process.

Streams, Collectors, and Optionals for Data Processing in Java 8
This course shows advanced patterns to process data in Java 8 using lambdas, streams, spliterators, optionals, and collectors. It shows how to build your own spliterators to connect streams to non-standard data sources, and to build your own collectors.

Stress Management
What are positive and negative stress? Find this out and get the tools to address stressful situations in this course.

String Manipulation and Regex in C#
Strings are a core concept in .NET, which all developers must master. This course will teach you practical techniques for manipulating string data in modern C# applications that can be easily applied in your code.

String Manipulation in C#: Best Practices
Strings are a core concept in .NET, which all developers must master. This course will teach you everything you need to know about the best practices for working with strings using C#.

String Manipulation with stringr in R
Learn how to pull character strings apart, put them back together and use the stringr package.

Strings and Regular Expressions in JavaScript
Working with text is a fundamentally crucial task in every programming language. This course will help you deepen your knowledge of the String and Regex API of the JavaScript language.

Stronger Type-checking in Templates with Ivy
One of the new features in Angular Ivy is `strictTemplates`, a compiler flag that turns on much stronger validation and type-checking of component templates. Discover how to use this new flag with Angular Framework team member Alex Rickabaugh.

Strongest Reversal Candlestick Patterns – Forex Trading / Stock Trading
Master the world's most traded - strongest - and most profitable reversal candlestick patterns to make consistent profit in Forex, Stock and other investment trading markets.