Showing 1309–1320 of 1793 results

MichiganX: Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
This course is a "no prerequisite" introduction to Python Programming. You will learn about variables, conditional execution, repeated execution and how we use functions. The homework is done in a web browser so you can do all of the programming assignments on a phone or public computer.

MichiganX: Python Data Structures
The second course in Python for Everybody explores variables that contain collections of data like string, lists, dictionaries, and tuples. Learning how to store and represent and manipulate data collections while a program is running is an important part of learning how to program.

MichiganX: Web Application Technologies and Django
This first course in Django for Everybody explores the basic structure of a web application and how web browsers interact with web servers. This course Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), an introduction of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), along with the overall structure of a Django application.

Microservices with Python
Learn Microservice with Python, Docker, & Flask for real-life applications!

Microsoft: Introduction to C++
Get a brief introduction to the C++ language from the experts at Microsoft.

Microsoft: Learn to Program in Java
Get started on the path to becoming a software engineer by learning core coding skills in Java--one of the most popular programming languages.

Milestones in Python 3.8 with exciting new features
'-Downloading and Installing Python 3.8 -Walrus Operator -Position Only Operator -F string support -isqrt function

Mini Course: Build Rock Paper Scissors with C++
This course builds a classic Rock Paper Scissors game in C++ using a modular programming method for a beginner-level coder

Mini Course: Build Rock Paper Scissors with Python
This course builds a classic Rock Paper Scissors game in Python using a modular programming method for a beginner-level coder.

Mitigating Disasters in ML Pipelines
Learn how to build robust machine learning pipelines that can handle and recover from unexpected disasters.

Mobile Design and Usability for Android
Discover design principles and usability techniques tailored for Android mobile applications.

Mobile Design and Usability for iOS
Explore design principles and usability techniques tailored for iOS mobile applications.