Showing 733–744 of 1793 results

IITBombayX: Shell Programming – A necessity for all Programmers
Unleash your Linux scripting skills and amaze others with your productivity level.

Image Processing Onramp
Learn the basics of practical image processing techniques in MATLAB.

Image Processing with MATLAB
Learn practical image processing workflows in MATLAB.

Image Recognition with Machine Learning
Discover techniques for implementing image recognition systems using machine learning algorithms and frameworks.

Image Recognition with Machine Learning
Build and train machine learning models for image recognition tasks using Python libraries.

Implementing an Advanced Huge Integer Class
Build an advanced huge integer class in C++, capable of handling very large numbers efficiently.

Import Data from Multiple Files
Read and process data from multiple files and data too big to fit into memory.

Import Irregular Data
Use low-level functions to read and process data line-by-line.

Importing Text Files in Python
In order to work with data in Python, you need to know how to get data into Python. In this course I will teach you how to import text files and tabular data into Python in three different ways: by reading text directly, using Numpy, and Pandas

Information Representation in Computer Systems
Understand how data is represented and processed within computer systems.

Initializing Data Members: From C++11 till C++20
Explore the changes in C++ from C++11 to C++20, focusing on how data members are initialized in modern C++.

Installing SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell
Installing SharePoint 2013 using Power Shell - Simplified