Showing 1141–1152 of 1317 results

Setting up a Forensic Workstation
This course will teach you how to prepare a workstation for forensic analysis using virtual machines, hardware and software tools.

Setting Up a Malware Analysis Lab
In this course, you’ll learn how to set up a malware analysis sandbox for discovering indicators of compromise specific to the variants of malware threatening your organization.

Setup Own Asterisk VoIP Server with Android, iOS & Win Apps
VoIP for Dummies - Asterisk VoIP Server setup with Android, iOS, Win Apps - Using Fully Open Source Server and Clients

Setup Own VPN Server with Android, iOS, Win & Linux Clients
Safeguard your privacy and identity while surfing online by setting up your own VPN server in the region of your choice.

SharePoint 2016 Backup and Recovery
Backing up and restoring SharePoint farms or content is often a daily occurrence for you as the SharePoint administrator. In this course, you will learn how and why to backup and restore your SharePoint farm.

SharePoint Security End to End
Security breaches are becoming more common. You need to make sure your SharePoint Environment is not at risk. This course will take you through the steps, the configuration, and the process of building a secure SharePoint environment.

Shift Left, Shift Right: The DevSecOps Hokey Pokey
Garrett Gross, a Rapid7 Technical Advisor for Application Security, and Alyssa Miller, a Snyk Application Security advocate, come together to share how application security is evolving.

Sniffing and Spoofing with Kali Linux
Having access to an internal network can provide a wealth of information, if you know how to look for it. This course will teach you Sniffing and Spoofing techniques using Ettercap and TCPDump.

SnowPro Advanced Data Engineer: Security
This course introduces Snowflake’s security model and features, which are critical for performing data engineering tasks and keeping your data and account safe. They are required components of the SnowPro Data Engineer exam.

Social Engineering and Defenses
What is social engineering?, How and why social engineering works, Types of social engineering attacks, Baiting, Tailgating, Pretexting, Quid pro quo, Scareware, and More

Social Engineering: Executive Briefing
Social engineering poses a potential threat to not only employees at an organization, but also directly to company executives. In this executive briefing, we will look at understand what social engineering and how you can protect yourself from it.

Software Development Security for CISSP®
Security practices must be built into software. This course will teach you software development security needed for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional examination.