Artificial Intelligence
Showing 157–168 of 804 results

Computer Vision
Study techniques and applications in computer vision for processing and interpreting visual data.

Computer Vision & Deep Learning in Python: Novice to Expert
For all those who are interested in becoming experts in Deep Learning and Computer Vision using Python

Computer Vision: Executive Briefing
Computer Vision gives applications the ability to "see" the world around them and react accordingly with close-to-human accuracy. Watch and learn how Computer Vision opens a whole new world of possibilities for you and your applications.

Computer Vision: Face Recognition Quick Starter in Python
Quickly Build Python Deep Learning based Face Detection, Recognition, Emotion , Gender and Age Classification Systems

Computer vision: OpenCV Fundamentals using Python
Start your Deep Learning Computer Vision Endeavor with Strong OpenCV Basics in Python

Computer Vision: Python Face Swap and Quick Deepfake in Colab
Custom Face Swap using Python and OpenCV & Deepfake Image Animation using 'First Order Motion Model' paper in Colab

Computer Vision: Python OCR & Object Detection Quick Starter
Quick Starter for Optical Character Recognition, Image Recognition Object Detection and Object Recognition using Python

Computer Vision: YOLO Custom Object Detection with Free Colab GPU
YOLO: Pre-Trained Coco Dataset and Custom Trained Coronavirus Object Detection Model with Google Colab GPU Training

Computing With Natural Language
Study methods for processing and analyzing natural language data for various AI applications.

Confusion matrix and data imbalances
How do we know if a model is good or bad at classifying our data? The way that computers assess model performance sometimes can be difficult for us to comprehend or can over-simplify how the model will behave in the real world. To build models that work in a satisfactory way, we need to find intuitive ways to assess them, and understand how these metrics can bias our view.

Connecting IoT devices to Azure AI services using Azure Functions
Create and deploy an Azure function to make a language translation IoT device. The function will use Cognitive Speech Service. Your device will record a voice in a foreign language and convert the speech to a target language.

Convolutional Neural Networks
Explore CNN architectures and techniques for image classification and recognition tasks.