App Development
Showing 1945–1956 of 2118 results
Using Python and Transcrypt to Build a Complete Web Application
Learn to use Python and Transcrypt for building complete web applications, focusing on code transpilation and integration with front-end technologies.
Using React 17 Hooks
React Hooks bring state and lifecycle events to React Functional Components as well as streamlining code that previously was coupled and complex. Learn techniques for using React Hooks including Redux-like state management with React Context.
Using Single Sign-On for Securing Applications in ASP.NET Core
Understand how to implement single sign-on for securing applications in ASP.NET Core, focusing on user authentication and management strategies.
Using Specialized Types and Language Features in TypeScript
Ever stumbled across a TypeScript issue and became totally overwhelmed with the abstract documentation of advanced concepts? This course will help you solve even the most challenging typing and modeling issues that you will encounter in TypeScript.
Using the Gamepad API for a Better Gaming Experience on the Web
This talk explores the usage and impact of the Gamepad API in the web gaming space. The Gamepad API lets you connect and use gaming controllers with browsers. Since it is in early stages, tracking controller inputs across browsers is a challenge.
Using the Python Transcrypt Transpiler for Front-end Coding
Discover how to use the Transcrypt transpiler for front-end development in Python, focusing on efficient code conversion and integration techniques.
Using the REST API in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
This course will give you a high-level overview of Salesforce Marketing Cloud's REST API. After completing this course, you will be able to understand the OAuth authentication flow and make a simple REST API request.
Using the Xamarin.Forms 4 Shell
This course will introduce you to Shell, you will learn everything from custom search capabilities to writing a custom renderer for Shell, a new way of creating Xamarin.Forms apps.
Using TypeScript for Building Polymorphic React Components
Extend your knowledge of reusable components to include strongly typed polymorphic components
Using TypeScript with React
This React TypeScript course helps developers build faster, more robust apps. It covers the type system, strongly typed components, context, and refs.
Using WebAssembly to Build Fast & Secure Web Apps
With the advent of WebAssembly, your browser is now more powerful than ever before.
Using Webpack
Compiling and serving sophisticated Node applications using Webpack