Computer Networking
Showing 265–276 of 318 results

SDN and SD-WAN Fundamentals: Intro to Software-defined Networking
This course will teach you the fundamentals of software-defined networking (SDN). You'll learn how SDN works, its components and architecture, the problems that it solves, and the benefits it provides over traditional distributed network deployments.

Securely Transitioning Enterprise Networks to IPv6
It is commonly believed that IPv6 is only useful in environments where IPv4 is exhausted. This course dispels that myth and explores various IPv6 techniques to meet specific business needs, complete with a multi-layered IPv6 security solution.

Selecting and Setting up the Right Aruba Switch
HP Aruba switches are standard layer 2 and simple to complex layer 3 switches. This course aims to give network technicians and engineers the tools to understand, initially commission, and configure these switches for network management.

SMP/E for z/OS Workshop
Master the System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) for IBM z/OS. Learn how to install, maintain, and manage software efficiently on the mainframe platform.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV): The Big Picture
This course is designed to introduce you to software defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV). This course will teach you what they are and why they are used to solve common networking problems.

SolarWinds: The Big Picture
SolarWinds has long had a set of tools used to help manage and maintain an IT infrastructure. This course will teach you how you can use SolarWinds products and services to manage and monitor your IT resources.

STP and EtherChannel Operation and Configuration
Providing redundant layer 2 networks is important in order to provide a resilient and reliable network. This course will show you how to do that.

TCP and UDP Operation
Each layer of the OSI model has its own critical protocols. At the transport layer, TCP and UDP are fundamental. This course focuses on the understanding TCP and UDP operation.

TCP/IP and Networking Fundamentals for Sysadmins
The payroll server is down! Is the outage a downed system, or is it a network issue? In this course, you’ll learn the critical tools needed to quickly diagnose these types of critical issues.

TCP/IP Protocol Overview
Explore the TCP/IP protocol suite in detail. Gain insights into how networking protocols work, enabling effective communication in modern computing and mainframe systems.

The IT Ops Sessions: 5G, What Now?
In this IT Ops session, you'll learn what capabilities and services 5G brings beyond just being fast.

The IT Ops Sessions: A Brief History of Network Infrastructure and Protocols
In this IT Ops session, you’ll learn the interesting history of network infrastructure and protocols and how it shaped the world we live in.