Data Analytics
Showing 217–228 of 673 results
Database Design Fundamentals for Software Engineers
This is a course for beginners to master database design, relational databases, and SQL to fully exploit the advantages of a modern database system.
Databricks Concepts
Learn about the power of Databricks Lakehouse and help you scale up your data engineering and machine learning skills.
DataFrames with Pandas
This course will teach you advanced parts of this library. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of DataFrames and Pandas needed to analyze your data with Pandas.
Deal with Mislabeled and Imbalanced Machine Learning Datasets
This course provides hands-on experience dealing with imbalanced data in machine learning, which is critical for machine learning algorithms.
Dealing with Missing Data in Python
Learn how to identify, analyze, remove and impute missing data in Python.
Dealing With Missing Data in R
Make it easy to visualize, explore, and impute missing data with naniar, a tidyverse friendly approach to missing data.
Deep Dive into the Internals of the Database
This course provides a comprehensive approach to understanding and managing a database management system and acing database internals.
Demonstrating the Business Value of Power BI (PL-900)
Power BI is Microsoft's business intelligence tool for creating interactive and stunning visualizations. This course will teach you how to create reports & dashboards and publish them in the cloud as well on the Power BI App.
Deploy IaaS solutions with Azure SQL
Configure virtual machine sizing, storage, and networking options to ensure adequate performance for your database workloads. Choose and configure appropriate high availability options.
Deploy PaaS solutions with Azure SQL
Provision and deploy Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL managed instance. Select the appropriate options when performing a migration to the SQL PaaS platform.
Deploy workloads with Azure Databricks Workflows
Deploying workloads with Azure Databricks Workflows involves orchestrating and automating complex data processing pipelines, machine learning workflows, and analytics tasks. In this module, you learn how to deploy workloads with Databricks Workflows.
Describe high availability and disaster recovery strategies
Plan an appropriate high availability and disaster recovery strategy based on recovery time objective and recovery point objective. Choose the best solution for IaaS or PaaS deployments or hybrid workloads.