Data Analytics
Showing 649–660 of 722 results
Statistics: Quartiles, Quantiles, and IQR
Sometimes data needs to be described in terms of distributions, quartiles, quintiles, and IQR let you do just that.
Statistics: Variance and Standard Deviation
Learn how to calculate, interpret, and report the variance and standard deviation
Streaming Concepts
Learn about the difference between batching and streaming, scaling streaming systems, and real-world applications.
Streamlined Data Ingestion with pandas
Learn to acquire data from common file formats and systems such as CSV files, spreadsheets, JSON, SQL databases, and APIs.
Supply Chain Analytics in Python
Leverage the power of Python and PuLP to optimize supply chains.
Tableau Certified Data Analyst: Explore and Analyze Data
Enhance your Tableau proficiency. This course will teach you advanced data visualization and analysis techniques.
Tableau Certified Data Analyst: Publish and Manage Content
Sharing Tableau artifacts with stakeholders is a crucial skill. This course will teach you to share Tableau workbooks, datasets, and workflows internally. Discover scheduling data refreshes, setting up subscriptions, and automated KPI alerts.
Tableau Desktop Playbook: Building Common Chart Types
Build or enhance your data visualization and analysis toolkit by learning how to read and build over 35 different charts. You'll learn concepts that will unlock the mystery of what Tableau is going to draw as you drag and drop.
Tableau Desktop Specialist: Connecting to and Preparing Data
Get to know how you can connect to different data sources in Tableau. This course will teach you differences between various connection types, creating and managing a data model and managing data properties.
Tableau Desktop Specialist: Exploring and Analyzing Data
Creating charts is an essential skill for anyone communicating important points of data. This course will teach you how to create basic charts, organize, and analyze data.
Tableau Desktop Specialist: Sharing Insights
Presenting data in an insightful way is an art. This course will teach you how you can elevate your dashboard design and present it in an effective way.
Taking Power BI to the Next Level
In this session, Ed Watson will reveal several key techniques and features to help take your Power BI reports to the next level.