Data Engineering
Showing 757–768 of 829 results
Transform data with Spark in Azure Synapse Analytics
Data engineers commonly need to transform large volumes of data. Apache Spark pools in Azure Synapse Analytics provide a distributed processing platform that they can use to accomplish this goal.
Transforming the Delivery of Government Services with a Citizen Digital Identity
In today’s world, there is a need to improve and expand how governments serve their citizens and ensure that those entitled to receive government services are able to access them easily and efficiently.
Trend Analysis with SQL Server
This course covers trend analysis for SQL server. The topics include learning about SQL queries, linear trend identification, data visualization techniques, seasonal variations, and best practices.
Triggers and Stored Procedures: A Combined Approach
Want to keep your triggers lean and efficient, whilst centralizing your code? This course will teach you how to use stored procedures to enhance and improve your SQL Server triggers.
Tune queries in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Database management systems (DBMSs) need systems to understand the data and the queries that are running against this data. It's important to understand how performance tuning works and how you can assess performance metrics.
Tuning SSAS Models
This course explains the tools and techniques that you need to diagnose why multidimensional and tabular queries might be performing slowly and demonstrates the actions you can take to improve query performance.
UC3Mx: Introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS): A Survival Guide
Gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in an MIS-dominated corporate world.
UCSanDiegoX: Algorithms and Data Structures Capstone
Synthesize your knowledge of algorithms and biology to build your own software for solving a biological challenge.
UMBC, USMx: NoSQL Databases
Build a foundation of the four NoSQL (non-relational) databases: Document-oriented, Key-Value Pair, Column-oriented, and Graph.
UMBC, USMx: Relational Database Design
Learn how to design relational databases, including many popular relational database models. Relational database normal form will also be covered, so your design will conform to industry best practices.
UMBC, USMx: Relational Database Management Systems
Learn how to create and interact with a relational database. The course includes Data Definition Language (DDL) used for database creation and Data Manipulation Language (DML) used for inserting, updating and deleting data in the database.
Understand client-server communication in MySQL
Learn about connection handling in MySQL, back up and restore, and the client interface options available for MySQL.