Data Structure & Algorithm
Showing 13–24 of 127 results

CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.

DartmouthX, IMTx: C Programming: Language Foundations
Master foundational concepts in the C programming language such as logical statements and arrays.

DelftX: AI in Practice: Applying AI
Learn about the implementation and practical aspects of Artificial Intelligence and how to write a plan for applying AI in your own organization in a step-by-step manner.

DelftX: AI in Practice: Preparing for AI
Learn to recognize and understand the implications of Artificial Intelligence for organizations, and the importance of compliance and ethics when AI is applied in practice.

DelftX: AI Skills for Engineers: Data Engineering and Data Pipelines
Good data is central to effective AI applications. This course teaches the basics of data for AI, covering what data is needed, how to extract data from existing databases and basic data skills including setup of a Python notebook environment, basic data exploration and simple data visualizations.

DelftX: Architecture, Algorithms, and Protocols of a Quantum Computer and Quantum Internet
Learn how a quantum computer can be operated: you will go through the basics of quantum algorithms, quantum error-correction, micro-architectures, compilers, and programming languages for quantum computing, and protocols for the quantum internet.

DelftX: Fundamentals of Quantum Information
Quantum information is at the heart of quantum computing: learn how it is mathematically represented via quantum circuits and how to manipulate quantum entanglement with these circuits.

DoaneX: Assembler Language
This course enables the learner to implement modern, high-level programming language concepts in assembly language by learning and applying the foundational essentials of digital logic, computer organization, and low-level programming logic necessary to do so.

EPFLx: Optimization: principles and algorithms – Linear optimization
Introduction to linear optimization, duality and the simplex algorithm.

EPFLx: Optimization: principles and algorithms – Network and discrete optimization
Introduction to network optimization and discrete optimization

EPFLx: Optimization: principles and algorithms – Unconstrained nonlinear optimization
Introduction to unconstrained nonlinear optimization, Newton’s algorithms and descent methods.

ETHx: Autonomous Mobile Robots
Basic concepts and algorithms for locomotion, perception, and intelligent navigation.