Computer Science Courses
Showing 61–72 of 115 results

IsraelX: Autonomous robots
Autonomous Robots is an advanced Computer science course, designed to equip the student with the cutting edge tools of autonomous robots algorithms

IsraelX: Bayesian Algorithms for Self-Driving Cars
"Bayesian Algorithms for Self-Driving Cars" is an advanced Computer science course, designed to equip the student with the most important localization algorithms now deployed in modern autonomous vehicles.

IsraelX: Programming for Everyone – An Introduction to Visual Programming Languages
This MOOC will help participants understand what programming is, and how to use programs. It will review programming languages and teach how to program in visual and intuitive languages. It requires no prior knowledge of programming or ofmathematics.

KULeuvenX: UML Class Diagrams for Software Engineering
Learn how unified modeling language (UML) class diagrams are created and used to visualize and conceptualize the design of a system.

LinuxFoundationX: Introduction to Cloud Foundry and Cloud Native Software Architecture
A hands-on workshop to learn how to deploy and manage applications on Cloud Foundry. Grow from novice to knowledge-hound in your spare time!

LinuxFoundationX: Introduction to Linux
Never learned Linux? Want a refresh? Develop a good working knowledge of Linux using both the graphical interface and command line across the major Linux distribution families.

LinuxFoundationX: Introduction to Node.js
Get started with Node.js, the most popular open source JavaScript runtime. Discover the ways in which Node.js helps in everyday computing scenarios, from service-mocking, rapid-prototyping and real-time applications, to Command Line Interfaces (CLI).

LinuxFoundationX: Linux Tools for Software Development
Learn the tools you need to confidently work in Linux development environments and beyond.

LinuxFoundationX: NFV Acceleration: Introduction to Anuket
Learn how Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is moving the industry from fixed-function, proprietary devices to flexible, software-driven environments, and how Anuket can help make the transition easier.

LinuxFoundationX: Open Source Software Development: Linux for Developers
Start your open source software (OSS) adventure today by learning the key concepts of developing open source software and how to work productively in a Linux environment.

LinuxFoundationX: RISC-V Toolchain and Compiler Optimization Techniques
Develop a working knowledge of the internals of compiler toolchains and compiler optimization techniques with a focus on RISC-V applications.

LinuxFoundationX: Securing Your Software Supply Chain with Sigstore
Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to secure the integrity of your software by leveraging the Sigstore toolkit, a free and open source project that offers automated signing and verification across release files, container images, binaries, bill of material manifests, and more.