IT & Software
Showing 3373–3384 of 16328 results

Create a Social Media Community Website from Scratch
Build Your Own Social Media Community Website from scratch using Paid Premium Plugins for Free

Create a Spring Boot Restful web app with Java 11 and Maven
Build a Spring Boot microservice

Create a Survival Game in Javascript with Phaser 3 in 2021
Covers ES6, Classes, Arrays, Objects, Functions, Phaser 3, Tiled and more!

Create a threat model using data-flow diagram elements
Data-flow diagrams are graphical representations of your system and should specify each element, their interactions and helpful context.

Create a UI in a .NET MAUI app by using XAML
Learn how to design a UI for a .NET MAUI app using XAML

Create a UI that uses data binding in .NET MAUI.
Learn how to add data binding to your UI. With data binding, your UI automatically updates when the data changes. When data types don't match, you can use a converter to transform data for the UI.

Create a unified customer profile in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Data
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data is an intuitive and flexible customer data platform (CDP) that helps you unlock insights and build a deeper understanding of your customers. In this module, you'll learn about creating a unified customer profile in Customer Insights - Data.

Create a Vector Database With Open-Source
Build a vector database using open-source tools. Learn how to store and search high-dimensional data efficiently for tasks like information retrieval, recommendations, and AI-driven search.

Create a Voice Assistant with OpenAI’s GPT-3 and IBM Watson
Build a powerful voice assistant using OpenAI's GPT-3 and IBM Watson. Combine advanced AI models to create seamless voice-based applications.

Create a voice calling web app with Azure Communication Services
In this module, you create a basic web app that can be used for voice calling with Azure Communication Services.

Create a web API with ASP.NET Core controllers
Create a RESTful service with ASP.NET Core controllers that supports create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations.

Create a web app that uses data to make decisions on the basketball court
Use JavaScript, Azure, GitHub, and Visual Studio Code to write a web app that helps the Tune Squad coach make data-based decisions on the basketball court, inspired by SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY.