IT & Software
Showing 3733–3744 of 16328 results

CSS3 In-Depth
Learn how deep the CSS3 rabbit hole goes in this jam-packed course with CSS luminary Estelle Weyl. Estelle dives deep into the various components of CSS3 including: selectors, specificity, generated content, media queries, debugging, colors, fonts, shadows, text-effects, borders, backgrounds, gradients, transforms, transitions, animations…and more! Exercise files available at:

Cucumber with Java-Build Automation Framework in lesser code
Step by Step Cucumber BDD Approach to design the powerful Testing framework(Selenium,Appium,API) with very MINIMALCODE

Cultivate a culture of belongingness in tech
Explore what belonging is, why it matters, and how to recognize it. Learn about historical and current challenges to belonging in tech, and understand what contributes to a climate of belonging, including strategies to build inclusive environments.

Cultivating Effective Relationships in Virtual Work
This course will teach you about the unique challenges of virtual teams, including understanding non-verbal communications, improving relationships, and maximizing team member engagement. In addition, cultural and global challenges will be explored.

Culture of Learning: Executive Briefing
Every organization today relies on technology, and closing the gap between the technology skills that are needed and those that are available is one of the most important challenges today’s organizations face. Building a culture of learning in an organization not only addresses this problem, it can be a key strategic advantage.

Culturing Resiliency with Data: A Taxonomy of Outages
This talk provides an overview of the categorization of outages that happened in Uber in the past few years based on root cause types.

Cumulus: The Big Picture
This course will teach you how to operate and monitor a system running Cumulus OS and how to deploy and verify various features available on the OS.

Curso de ChatGPT para principiantes : Aprenda a utilizar el
Utilización de la inteligencia artificial en los negocios y en la vida cotidiana con el software OpenAI Curso básico

CurtinX: 5G Deployment
Learn about 5G deployment, 5G Radio Access Network Virtualisation, 5G and Multi-Access Edge Computing for disaggregated core, 5G Network Orchestration, and examine 5G deployment case studies.

CurtinX: 5G Deployment
Learn about 5G deployment, 5G Radio Access Network Virtualisation, 5G and Multi-Access Edge Computing for disaggregated core, 5G Network Orchestration, and examine 5G deployment case studies.

CurtinX: 5G Essentials
Learn about 5G Networking, 5G architecture, and various use cases of 5G.

CurtinX: 5G Essentials
Learn about 5G Networking, 5G architecture, and various use cases of 5G.