IT & Software
Showing 4729–4740 of 16328 results

Developer Security Champion: Secure Authentication Implementation
This course will teach you the key considerations for authentication in software applications. It will guide on best practice and common problems you’ll face when using authentication in your applications.

Developer Security Champion: Vulnerability Testing
Many security weaknesses in software can be detected more or less automatically. This course will teach you vulnerability testing.

Developer to Architect
Interested in learning what the role of a software architect entails and why it is so crucial to your organization's success? By the end of this course you will have a thorough understanding of the skills, knowledge, and duties required to become a successful and effective software architect.

Developer Trends & What They Signal About The Future of Tech
In this keynote, Stack Overflow CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar will share a deep dive into how and what developers are learning, what they’re behavior is signaling about the future of technology, and what that all means for distributed teams.

Developer’s guide to Blockchain
A complete guide on Blockchain for beginners

Developer’s T-SQL Playbook
Learn the essential SQL Skills any developer needs.

Developers Guide To Blockchain, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
Learn the core concepts of cryptocurrency and its underlying Blockchain technology by implementing it in JavaScript.

Developing .NET Core 3 Applications with DynamoDB on AWS
This course, Developing .NET Core Applications with DynamoDB on AWS, will teach C# developers how to create an ASP.NET Core web application that interacts with Amazon Web Services (AWS) DynamoDB.

Developing .NET Core 5 Apps with Docker
This course will teach you how to develop .NET applications using Docker and how to publish those applications to a container registry. It will also show you how to set up a more complex solution with dependent services in Docker Compose.

Developing .NET Framework Apps with Docker
Docker isn't just for cool new microservices apps - you can run any application in containers. This course will teach you how to take your existing .NET Framework apps into the modern world, running them in Windows containers - with no code changes.

Developing a Balanced Action Plan to Mitigate Future Incidents
This course describes how to identify contributing factors and root causes that lead to an incient, and reviews componenets of a balanced action plan.

Developing a Google SRE Culture
In many IT organizations, incentives are not aligned between developers, who strive for agility, and operators, who focus on stability.