IT & Software
Showing 5017–5028 of 16328 results

Diversity and Inclusion: What All the Terms, Labels, and Acronyms Really Mean
This course will teach you the definitions and basic use of the terminology to support inclusive and diverse environment.

Diversity in Analytics
Diversity in Analytics with Yvonne Wang at the 2019 Women in Analytics Conference.

Diversity in Tech in Australia and New Zealand
In this panel, panelists will share what critical success factors played a role in their tech career journeys, and how diversity creates more opportunities in accelerating digitalization.

Diving Deep into Deep Belief Networks (DBNs)
Dive into the world of deep belief networks (DBNs) and discover their significance. This course will teach you about restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) and DBNs, provide real-world data challenges, and expand your deep learning knowledge.

Diwali Sales Insights: EDA for Targeted Marketing
Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on Diwali sales data to derive marketing insights. Learn techniques to analyze consumer behavior and segment customers to create effective, targeted marketing strategies during the festive season.

Django | Create a Complete News Website
Learn Django By Creating News Website

Django 101: Django for absolute beginners
Learn Django web framework from scratch.

Django 2 Views, Apps, and URL Mappings
Django has been one of the most popular Python frameworks to this date. This course will teach you to create a Django project, set up apps, build views, create URL mappings, and learn about some of the convenience features offered by Django.

Django 2.2 Masterclass – Build & Deploy Web Application With Python & Django
Learn Django 2.2 - Build Real Web Application With Python, Django, GIT and Deploy on Heroku Server! | Backend on Python

Django 201: Intermediate Django Development
Learn Intermediate Django Development

Django 3 | Django For Absolute Beginners
Learn Django The Easy Way

Django 3 Deployment and Maintenance
This course will teach you how to maintain and upgrade Django projects and their dependency files, as well as log messages and resolve deprecation issues.