IT & Software
Showing 5929–5940 of 16328 results

Fraud Detection in R
Learn to detect fraud with analytics in R.

Fraud Detection with Python, TensorFlow and Linear Regression
Create a credit card fraud detection model! Learn predictive modeling, logistic regression, and regression analysis.

Freight Emission Calculator: Analyze and Optimize
Develop a freight emission calculator to analyze and optimize transportation emissions. Learn to use data analysis and machine learning to reduce the carbon footprint of freight logistics, maximizing efficiency and sustainability in supply chains.

Fresh Start HTML & CSS
Learn the core fundamentals of HTML and CSS in this beginner Course & develop your own website independently

From 0 To 1 SQL And Databases Heavy Lifting
SQL database tutorial allows you to learn how to sort, store and fetch huge data efficiently from an SQL database.

From 0 to 1: Raspberry Pi and the Internet of Things
Learn how to use raspberry pi for home automation with our Raspberry pi for beginner course. Design a smart home with Raspberry Pi Tutorial.

From Blockchain to Decision Substrate: Immutability as a Competitive Advantage
Business units that iterate and innovate compete to provide better services to host organizations. They can selectively and securely open parts of the decision substrate to other organizations, achieving the promise of blockchain without the cost.

From Chaos to Order: Automate Documents Categorization by AI
Learn how to automate document categorization using AI. Discover techniques for organizing and classifying large volumes of documents quickly and accurately with machine learning algorithms.

From Collections to Streams in Java 8 Using Lambda Expressions
This course shows the new patterns introduced in Java 8, based on lambda expressions, the functional interfaces, the Collection Framework and the Stream API.

From Developer to Security: Looking at Security from a Developer Lens
In this session, Rey Bango shares a perspective on learning, switching careers and hacking.

From Google Analytics to Universal Deploy Schematics
Learn about some of the new features in AngularFire and how the Firebase team leveraged dynamic imports, ES Proxies, and new features in Angular 9 to build a more streamlined SDK.

From Pandas to PySpark DataFrame
Learn how to transition from using Pandas to PySpark DataFrame, focusing on distributed data processing techniques and performance optimization.