IT & Software
Showing 805–816 of 16328 results

Applying IBM Cloud Networking Features
This course describes networking features on IBM Cloud. It discusses load balancing and Network Time Protocol (NTP).

Applying IBM Cloud Security Best Practices
In this course, you will explore security best practices for IBM Cloud®. You review how to establish security practices.

Applying Linear Algebra with R
Take this course if you want to dive into the math behind regression, principal component analysis, and other machine learning topics. The course is in R and is mathematically intense, but the topics can be implemented in any programming language.

Applying MVVM in Xamarin.Forms 4 Applications
Learn how to create your Xamarin.Forms applications using the MVVM (View Model) pattern to create a more testable and easy-to-maintain code base.

Applying Network Design Considerations
This course asks the learner to apply network design considerations for a customer scenario.

Applying Neural Networks: A Guide to Pre-trained Models
Unlock the power of pre-trained models. This course will teach you how to use and fine-tune pre-trained models for a range of applications, including natural language processing and image recognition.

Applying R Built-in Functions
The built-in functionality in R is one of the primary reasons R has become the dominant language in numeric and scientific computing. In this course, you will explore a number of important and widely used functions that come with an R installation.

Applying Special Effects to a Site Using CSS
CSS is essential in controlling how a site looks and feels. This course will teach you how to move beyond basic stylings to apply various effects such as shadows and animations using purely CSS.

Applying SQL to Real-World Problems
Find tables, store and manage new tables and views, and write maintainable SQL code to answer business questions.

Applying the IBM Cloud Shared Responsibility Model
In this course you will explore the application of the IBM Cloud® shared responsibility model for various cloud resources.

Applying the Lambda Architecture with Spark, Kafka, and Cassandra
This course introduces how to build robust, scalable, real-time big data systems using a variety of Apache Spark's APIs, including the Streaming, DataFrame, SQL, and DataSources APIs, integrated with Apache Kafka, HDFS and Apache Cassandra.

Applying the Mathematical MASS Model with R
This course focuses on capabilities, models, and datasets available within the MASS package in R. Along the way, you will gain knowledge of estimating survival probabilities and working with hazard rates in multi-state model.