Productivity Tools
Showing 1141–1152 of 1557 results
MS-102 Implement identity synchronization
This learning path examines how organizations should plan for and implement identity synchronization in a hybrid Microsoft 365 deployment. You learn how to implement Microsoft Entra Connect Sync and Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync, and how to manage synchronized identities.
MS-102 Implement threat protection by using Microsoft Defender XDR
This learning path examines how to manage the Microsoft 365 threat intelligence features that provide organizations with insight and protection against the internal and external cyber-attacks that threaten their tenants.
MS-102 Manage compliance in Microsoft 365
This learning path provides instruction on managing the Microsoft 365 data governance features, including how to implement retention in email, sensitivity labels, and Windows Information Protection, and how to troubleshoot data loss prevention issues.
MS-102 Manage your Microsoft 365 tenant
This learning path provides instruction on how to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant, including administrative roles, tenant health and services, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, and workplace analytics using Microsoft Viva Insights.
MS-102 Manage your security services in Microsoft Defender XDR
This learning path examines how to manage the Microsoft 365 security services, with a special focus on security reporting and managing the Safe Attachments and Safe Links features in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
MS-203 Manage compliance in Microsoft 365
Examines the compliance features in Microsoft 365, Exchange Server, and Exchange Online, along with the eDiscovery features in Exchange that help organizations perform discovery searches for relevant content within mailboxes.
MS-203 Manage Exchange hybrid settings and migrations
Examines how to plan, implement, and troubleshoot a hybrid Exchange deployment, including implementing the Hybrid Configuration Wizard and Examines how to plan for mailbox migrations to Exchange Online.
MS-203 Manage mailbox migrations
Examines how to plan for mailbox migrations to Exchange Online, and how to implement IMAP migrations, cutover migrations, staged migrations, and advanced migrations.
MS-203 Manage message security in Microsoft 365
Explores Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) features and functionality, including the use of anti-malware and anti-spam policies, and Microsoft Defender XDR features that extend messaging protection against advanced threats.
MS-203 Manage recipient objects and resources in Microsoft 365
Examines some of the most common tasks that messaging administrators perform, such as creating and configuring email recipients, including mailboxes, groups, and resources, as well as managing permissions for recipients.
MS-203 Manage role-based permissions in Microsoft 365
Examines how messaging administrators manage role-based permissions, and how they must plan and configure permissions carefully so as not to put their messaging environment or their entire Active Directory at risk.
MS-203 Manage the transport pipeline in Microsoft 365
Introduces the transport services used by Microsoft Exchange and provides instruction on how to configure those services and manage transport rules.