Showing 25–36 of 96 results

GTx: Data Structures & Algorithms IV: Pattern Matching, Dijkstra’s, MST, and Dynamic Programming Algorithms
Delve into Pattern Matching algorithms from KMP to Rabin-Karp. Tackle essential algorithms that traverse the graph data structure like Dijkstra’s Shortest Path. Study algorithms that construct a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) from a graph. Explore Dynamic Programming algorithms. Use the course visualization tool to understand the algorithms and their performance.

GTx: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java I: Foundations and Syntax Basics
Learn the foundational basics of the Java programming language.

GTx: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java II: Object-Oriented Programming and Algorithms
Learn the basics of object-oriented programming and algorithms.

GTx: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java III: Exceptions, Data Structures, Recursion, and GUIs
Learn how to create and use exceptions, data structures, recursion, and graphical user-interfaces (GUIs).

HarvardX: CS50’s Introduction to Databases with SQL
An introduction to databases using a language called SQL.

HarvardX: CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Scratch
A gentle introduction to programming that prepares you for subsequent courses in coding.

HarvardX: CS50’s Mobile App Development with React Native
Learn about mobile app development with React Native, a popular framework maintained by Facebook that enables cross-platform native apps using JavaScript without Java or Swift.

HKUSTx: Introduction to Java Programming – Part 1
Learn the fundamental elements of Java programming and data abstraction.

HKUSTx: Introduction to Java Programming – Part 2
The first MOOC to teach the fundamental elements of Java programming and data abstraction.

IBM: Guided Project: Containerize Java Microservices with Docker V2
App developers with containerization skills are in demand. In an hour, you’ll take your basic Java skills to the next level when you learn the five essential skills needed to run Java microservices in Docker containers.

IBM: Guided Project: Web Development w/ HTML & CSS for Beginners
Web developer positions are projected to grow 23 percent through 2031. Get started with no coding experience necessary and at no cost. You can learn six job-ready HTML and CSS skills needed to create and format a simple web page in under an hour.

IITBombayX: Shell Programming – A necessity for all Programmers
Unleash your Linux scripting skills and amaze others with your productivity level.