Showing 85–96 of 96 results

Spring Boot 3: The Big Picture
This course will give you a high level overview of Spring Boot, what it is, and how it can be used for your application development needs.

Spring Framework 6 Fundamentals
This course will cover the fundamentals of Java Development using Spring Framework 6.

Study for the AP Computer Science A Exam (Java)
Master the core concepts covered in AP Computer Science A Exam and gain a solid understanding of programming and fluency in Java.

Technical Interview Practice with Java
Learn some common interviewing tricks and tips. Then practice some real interview questions in Java.

UBCx: Software Construction: Data Abstraction
Learn powerful data abstraction and decomposition techniques to build large, complex programs.

UBCx: Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design
Learn how to design large software systems that solve real-world problems using object-oriented design techniques.

UC3Mx: Introduction to Java Programming: Starting to code in Java
Learn to program with Java in an easy and interactive way!

UC3Mx: Introduction to Java Programming: Writing Good Code
Learn to program in an easy and interactive way and enter the fascinating world of computer science.

UCSanDiegoX: Data Structures Fundamentals
Learn about data structures that are used in computational thinking – both basic and advanced.

Using Java Lambda Expressions
Lambda Expressions are one of the foundation of the Java language available since Java 8. In this course, you will learn a very simple method to write lambda expressions that always works and how to chain and compose them.

Using Java Streams
The Stream API is an in-memory implementation of the map/filter/reduce pattern, introduced in Java 8. In this course, you will learn the basics of this API, how you can use it to improve your code, and how this implementation works internally.

Using the Java NIO API
Java I/O is one of the four core APIs of the JDK, on which many others are built, including database access and REST Services. In this course, you will learn how to work with files on a file system, and how to access text files.