Showing 1225–1236 of 2986 results
Grokking Dynamic Programming: A Deep Dive Using Python
Polish your programming skills by learning dynamic programming using Python and various dynamic programming patterns asked in interview questions.
Grokking the Low Level Design Interview Using OOD Principles
This course will help you master object-oriented Design principles, which can be used to answer the questions asked during object-oriented Design interviews.
Grokking the Low Level Design Interview Using OOD Principles
This course will help you master object-oriented Design principles, which can be used to answer the questions asked during object-oriented Design interviews.
Grokking the Low Level Design Interview Using OOD Principles
This course will help you master object-oriented Design principles, which can be used to answer the questions asked during object-oriented Design interviews.
Grow your cognitive flexibility
In this module, you'll learn about the importance of cognitive flexibility in the field of technology. You'll learn about the benefits of stepping back and expanding your outlook and using feedback effectively. Finally, you'll learn how to reorient and persist in challenging situations.
GTx: Computing for Data Analysis
A hands-on introduction to basic programming principles and practice relevant to modern data analysis, data mining, and machine learning.
GTx: Computing in Python IV: Objects & Algorithms
Learn about recursion, search and sort algorithms, and object-oriented programming in Python.
GTx: Data Structures & Algorithms I: ArrayLists, LinkedLists, Stacks and Queues
Work with the principles of data storage in Arrays, ArrayLists & LinkedList nodes. Understand their operations and performance with visualizations. Implement low-level linear, linked data structures with recursive methods, and explore their edge cases. Extend these structures to the Abstract Data Types, Stacks, Queues and Deques.
GTx: Data Structures & Algorithms II: Binary Trees, Heaps, SkipLists and HashMaps
Become familiar with nonlinear and hierarchical data structures. Study various tree structures: Binary Trees, BSTs and Heaps. Understand tree operations and algorithms. Learn and implement HashMaps that utilize key-value pairs to store data. Explore probabilistic data structures like SkipLists. Course tools help visualize the structures and performance.
GTx: Data Structures & Algorithms III: AVL and 2-4 Trees, Divide and Conquer Algorithms
Learn more complex tree data structures, AVL and (2-4) trees. Investigate the balancing techniques found in both tree types. Implement these techniques in AVL operations. Explore sorting algorithms with simple iterative sorts, followed by Divide and Conquer algorithms. Use the course visualizations to understand the performance.
GTx: Data Structures & Algorithms IV: Pattern Matching, Dijkstra’s, MST, and Dynamic Programming Algorithms
Delve into Pattern Matching algorithms from KMP to Rabin-Karp. Tackle essential algorithms that traverse the graph data structure like Dijkstra’s Shortest Path. Study algorithms that construct a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) from a graph. Explore Dynamic Programming algorithms. Use the course visualization tool to understand the algorithms and their performance.
GTx: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java II: Object-Oriented Programming and Algorithms
Learn the basics of object-oriented programming and algorithms.