Showing 1561–1572 of 1793 results

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Fluency
Achieve fluency in SRE practices for maintaining reliable and scalable systems in software engineering.

Software Architecture & Design
Explore software architecture principles and design patterns for creating scalable and maintainable software systems.

Software Architecture in Applications
This course will help you becoming a better software engineer by mastering the subject with the help of elaborated concepts, case studies, and a project.

Software Debugging
Understand debugging techniques and tools for identifying and fixing software bugs efficiently.

Software Design Patterns in C
This course will demonstrate that it is possible to use patterns in the development of C programs and how it adds benefits to C programming.

Software Design Principles
Start designing more complex systems with techniques such as design patterns, SOLID principles, and UML.

Software Development in MATLAB
Write well-organized, user-friendly applications in MATLAB that will work correctly now and in the future.

Software Development Process
Understand the software development lifecycle, including methodologies, best practices, and project management techniques.

Software Engineering for Data Scientists
Data Scientists often work with engineering teams. Learn the software engineering skills you need to bridge the gap between data science and

Solving Nonlinear Equations with MATLAB
Use root finding methods to solve nonlinear equations.

Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with MATLAB
Use MATLAB ODE solvers to numerically solve ordinary differential equations.

Solving the Traveling Salesperson Problem in Python
This course will teach you how to handle geospatial data and find the shortest possible route between coordinates by car using Python.