Showing 2221–2232 of 2924 results
Object-Oriented Programming in PHP
If you are familiar with procedural PHP and want to take your programming development to a new level by learning object-oriented PHP, this course is for you.
Object-Oriented Programming in Python
Dive in and learn how to create classes and leverage inheritance and polymorphism to reuse and optimize code.
Object-Oriented Programming Onramp
Learn the basics of using object-oriented programming in MATLAB to model real-world objects and manage software complexity.
Object-Oriented Programming with S3 and R6 in R
Manage the complexity in your code using object-oriented programming with the S3 and R6 systems.
Objective-C for Swift Developers
Transition from Swift to Objective-C, understanding its syntax, concepts, and integration with existing codebases.
Odoo: The complete Master Class: Beginner to Professional
Learn the basics of Odoo ERP. Installing, Configuring the popular Odoo Modules and advanced Odoo Administrative Features
OpenAI API Coding with JavaScript
Leverage the OpenAI API within your JavaScript code. Learn to customize prompts and hyperparameters for optimal output.
OpenAI API Coding with Python
Leverage the OpenAI API within your Python code. Learn to import OpenAI modules, use chat completion methods, and craft effective prompts.
Operate and maintain Azure Stack HCI
This learning path explains how to manage Azure Stack HCI clusters, integrate Microsoft Azure services with Azure Stack HCI, manage Azure Stack HCI VM workloads, and manage Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI.
Operating Systems: Virtualization, Concurrency & Persistence
Learn key operating systems concepts like virtualization, concurrency, and data persistence with hands-on projects.
Optimization for Machine Learning with NumPy and SciPy
This course teaches optimization in machine learning with NumPy and SciPy, covering fundamentals, convex and non-convex techniques, and advanced algorithms.
Optimization Onramp
Learn the basics of solving optimization problems in MATLAB using the problem-based approach.