Showing 3133–3144 of 3881 results
Rapidly develop and deploy Java apps using GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines
Create a Terraform configuration, provision your Azure resources, and set up your project for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) by using either GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines.
RaspberryPiFoundation: An Introduction to Web Development
Learn to build your own interactive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
RaspberryPiFoundation: Teach teens computing: Functions and algorithms, searching and sorting in Python
Take your Python skills further in this online course, guided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
RaspberryPiFoundation: Teach teens computing: Functions and algorithms, searching and sorting in Python
Take your Python skills further in this online course, guided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
RaspberryPiFoundation: Teach teens computing: Object-oriented Programming in Python
Learn object-oriented programming principles by creating your own text-based adventure game in Python.
React and Firebase project: A real estate website
React.js and Firebase portfolio project. Build Realtor (Real estate) clone using React js 18, Firebase 9, Tailwind CSS 3
React and GraphQL: Build an E-commerce App with Hygraph
Create an e-commerce application using React and GraphQL with Hygraph, focusing on data fetching and state management.
React and Redux
Learn to build scalable applications using React and Redux for state management and component architecture.
React Deep Dive: From Beginner to Advanced
This is a course on React for beginners where early learners can learn important concepts and use this React crash course to become experts in a week.
React Fundamentals
Learn the foundational concepts of React, focusing on component-based architecture and state management.
React Native
Discover how to develop mobile applications using React Native, enabling cross-platform compatibility.
React Native with Expo Deep Dive
Expo is an add on library that makes developing React Native apps easier. This course will teach you everything you need to know to build React Native apps using Expo.