Showing 25–36 of 358 results

Automated Inspection with Computer Vision
Learn how to build automated inspection systems using computer vision techniques for quality control and defect detection.

Automations with the Slack API in Python
Learn how to use the Slack Web API and the Bolt framework to automate channels, chats, files, and more.

AWS: Building Modern Python Applications on AWS
In this course, we will be covering how to build a modern, greenfield serverless backend on AWS.

AWS: Improve your Python code using Amazon CodeGuru
Learn how to use Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer to automatically identify issues and vulnerabilities to improve your code quality with our new digital course, Improve your Python Code using Amazon CodeGuru.

Basic Pytorch Tensor Manipulation for Machine Learning
Get hands-on with PyTorch to understand tensor operations, a core concept in deep learning.

Bayesian Machine Learning for Optimization in Python
Explore Bayesian machine learning techniques to optimize models and solve real-world problems using Python.

Binary Search for Coding Interviews
Master binary search algorithms with detailed examples to solve coding interview problems efficiently.

Bioinformatics Algorithms
Learn essential algorithms used in bioinformatics, focusing on biological data analysis and genome sequencing.

Blogging Using the Blogger API in Python
Blogger API allows users to manage their blog content conveniently.

Bookkeeping with FreshBooks API in Python
In this course, the learner will learn about different endpoints of FreshBooks API, and they can have hands-on experience by executing the codes right away.

Build a REST API Using Python and Deploy it to Microsoft Azure
This course enables developers to build a Microsoft Azure REST API in Python using the FastAPI framework.

Build LLM & Challenge it to complete lyrics for 80’s songs
Discover how to build a Large Language Model (LLM) and challenge it to complete lyrics for 80’s songs. Dive into NLP and machine learning to train your model, and see how it performs in completing song lyrics based on patterns and context from the 80's music era.