Software Development
Showing 1429–1440 of 2824 results

Implementing Cross-cutting Concerns for ASP.NET Core 3 Microservices
This course will help you learn about implementing cross-cutting concerns in ASP.NET Core microservices. You will explore applying correlated, structured logging and health checks to support running distributed microservices in production.

Implementing Design Patterns Using Java 8 Lambda
Being able to design simple and fluent API to make your business applications easier to read is what you will get by following this course. All the tools brought by Java 8 to implement the standard Design Patterns are covered with many live demos.

Implementing HTTPS in ASP.NET 4 and ASP.NET Core 3
Don't miss the opportunity to make your ASP.NET applications more secure. In this course you will learn how to easily require HTTPS for your entire site to keep your users and your organization more secure.

Implementing Localization in Java (Java SE 11 Developer Certification 1Z0-819)
This course will teach you how to implement localization in Java using Locale, these are resource bundles and Java APIs that parse text, currency, date, time zone, and numbers.

Improve how forms and validation work in Blazor web apps
Learn how to use forms in Blazor, add event handlers, and validate the data a user submits. By using Blazor form components you can validate client-side forms without writing client-side JavaScript to handle the validations.

Improve performance with a cache in a .NET Aspire project
Learn about using Redis caching to increase performance in a cloud-native application. You'll also discover how .NET Aspire makes it easy to access Redis caching services from your microservices.

Improve session scalability in a .NET Framework ASP.NET web application by using Azure Cache for Redis
Learn how to use Azure Cache for Redis to store session data and improve the scalability of web applications.

Improve the developer experience of an API with Swagger documentation
Learn how to document an existing API, written in C#/ASP.NET Core, using Swashbuckle, Swagger/OpenAPI, and Swagger UI.

Improve the performance of an API by adding a caching policy in Azure API Management
API Management policies are configurable modules that you can add to APIs to change their behaviors. Policies can do things like cache responses, transform documents and values, call webhooks for notification or audit purposes, and retry requests after transient failures. This module shows how to use policies to enable caching in order to improve API performance under load.

Improve your app’s performance when using Microsoft Graph Toolkit
Learn about caching features offered with Microsoft Graph Toolkit, and discover how to quickly display any more data you might need in Microsoft Graph Toolkit components.

Improving .NET Core 2 MVC Apps Using Extension Points
.NET Core is a new platform that brings even greater extensibility to the already flexible MVC framework. This course will explore how to leverage those extension points, and customize components of MVC to meet the evolving needs of your projects.

Improving a Distributed System Post-Incident
In this session, we will dive into a case study of how a team can recover and improve a distributed system after a major incident.