Software Development
Showing 2125–2136 of 2653 results
Scala 1 Build Tool: Getting Started
Working with a stable and reliable build tool to create projects in Scala is extremely important to developer productivity. sbt offers a wide variety of features and extensibility as a build tool that can meet almost any project's requirements.
Scala 2 Classes and Objects
You can advance your understanding of Scala once you learn to apply multiple concepts together. This course will teach you how to work with classes, inheritance, traits, case classes, and packaging your code among other topics.
Scala 2 Fundamentals
Scala is one of the most popular functional programming languages that run on the JVM. This course takes you on a deep dive into Scala concepts such as object-oriented programming, closures, creating control structures, traits, and iImplicits.
Scala 2 Language: Getting Started
Scala programming may seem daunting at first but a solid foundation is the place to start. This course will teach you the fundamental concepts of conditionals, control structures, pattern matching, and variable types among other important topics.
Scala 2: The Big Picture
Scala is one of the most popular functional programming languages that run on the JVM. This course covers the fundamentals of functional programming using Scala, reading and writing Scala code, error handling, classes, and concurrency.
Scala Collections
Almost every application in the world needs to manipulate data in some sort of collection. This course will teach you how to use Scala's sophisticated collection types and take advantage of the functional programming style Scala is renowned for.
Scala Design Patterns
This course will teach you how to use Scala’s functional design patterns, such as Typeclass, Cake, and Lens in order to write a functional, abstract, and structured Scala application or library.
Scala Type Classes and Parameterization
This course enables developers to understand and to introduce abstraction into Scala code using parameterized and abstract types, variance, and type bounds to write abstract code. It will also cover typeclasses to achieve ad hoc polymorphism.
Scale an App Service web app to efficiently meet demand with App Service scale up and scale out
Respond to periods of increased activity by incrementally increasing the resources available and then, to reduce costs, decreasing these resources when activity drops.
Scale and manage deployed container apps
This module reviews the concept of revisions in Azure Container Apps and examines options for application lifecycle management. It also examines options for scaling and traffic splitting using Azure Container Apps.
Scale apps in Azure App Service
Learn how autoscale operates in App Service and how to identify autoscale factors, enable autoscale, and how to create sound autoscale conditions.
Scale multiple Azure SQL Databases with SQL elastic pools
SQL elastic pools allow you to manage performance and cost for a collection of SQL databases.