Software Development
Showing 2185–2196 of 2824 results
Quality Assurance (QA) Class
Quality Assurance on Web Applications
Quarkus Framework: Development Supersonic Microservices
Build Java applications with Quarkus (english subtitles)
Query the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
Author queries for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL using the SQL query language.
Quick Start Full Stack Web Development
Get a quick overview of full stack web development, covering both front-end and back-end technologies to create dynamic web applications.
R For SAS Users
Learn how to translate your SAS knowledge into R and analyze data using this free and powerful software language.
RabbitMQ by Example
This course will show you, in a practical way, how to use RabbitMQ in your .NET applications.
RabbitMQ for .NET Developers – Part 1
This course will provide an introduction to RabbitMQ for .Net developers
Rapid JavaScript Training
Learn JavaScript rapidly in a direct question and answer format. You'll see hundreds of examples which cover most aspects of the language.
Rapidly develop and deploy Java apps using GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines
Create a Terraform configuration, provision your Azure resources, and set up your project for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) by using either GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines.
RaspberryPiFoundation: Teach teens computing: Functions and algorithms, searching and sorting in Python
Take your Python skills further in this online course, guided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
React Native with Expo Deep Dive
Expo is an add on library that makes developing React Native apps easier. This course will teach you everything you need to know to build React Native apps using Expo.
React practice course. Build React app from scratch.
Learn React doing a real project with Storybook and unit tests.