Software Development
Showing 661–672 of 2653 results
Debugging in TypeScript 5
TypeScript is a language for building enterprise-grade applications. We’ll learn to effectively debug TypeScript so that the applications we make function correctly.
Debugging Java
This course will teach you debugging strategies and skills so that you can effectively work with Java.
Debugging Rust 2021 Applications
Stop using print statements and learn to examine values in-memory! This course will teach you how to debug Rust code using industry standard tools.
Debugging with Visual Studio 2022
Being able to debug code and run it locally are key skills for developers. This course will teach you how to effectively navigate code, use the debugger to better understand how code works, and run code locally in a variety of use cases.
Declare and instantiate classes in TypeScript
Classes in TypeScript extend the ES6 functionality by adding TypeScript-specific features like type annotations for class members, access modifiers, and the ability to specify required or optional parameters. Another benefit of using TypeScript is that you can use it to develop with classes and then compile them down to JavaScript that works across all major browsers and platforms, as needed.
Declare variable types in TypeScript
JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. While this makes declaring variables easy, it can in some cases lead to unexpected results. The static type system in TypeScript enables you to describe the shape of an object, providing better documentation, and allowing TypeScript to validate that your code is working correctly. In TypeScript, declarations of namespaces, classes, properties, functions, variables, and other language entities associate types with those entities. The way that a type is formed and associated with a language entity depends on the kind of entity. This module introduces some of the available types and shows how to associate them with variables. Later modules examine how interfaces, functions, and classes use static typing.
Deep Learning & Neural Networks Python Keras For Dummies
Deep Learning and Data Science using Python and Keras Library - Beginner to Professional - The Complete Guide
Defensive Coding in C#
Learn techniques for strengthening your application’s defenses against the perils awaiting it in the real world. You will see how to write clean code, create unit tests, build clear methods, and prepare for the unexpected.
Defensive R Programming
Learn defensive programming in R to make your code more robust.
Define and implement an indexing strategy for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
Create custom indexing policies for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL containers.
Define and implement continuous integration
Create automated pipelines that continuously build, test, package, and deploy your applications.
Define generics in TypeScript
Generics are code templates that you can define and reuse throughout your codebase. They provide a way to tell functions, classes, or interfaces what type you want to use when you call it.