Self Improvement
Showing 133–144 of 148 results

The Hidden Secrets of Technology Careers
There are secrets to a successful tech career – things rarely discussed that they don’t teach in school. Learning them can help you thrive – and avoid obstacles and pitfalls that might come your way.

The Java Interview Handbook: 300+ Interview Questions
A comprehensive guide covering Java interview questions with detailed answers for technical interviews.

The JavaScript Interview Handbook: 100+ Interview Questions
A curated set of JavaScript questions and answers to help you prepare for technical interviews.

The Power of Feedback in Your Daily Work
This course teaches you the importance of setting up a feedback-nurturing environment and how it helps employees grow and increase overall productivity. You'll learn the concepts and benefits for facilitating such an environment.

The System Design Interview Prep Handbook
The only system design handbook you will ever need, including system design interview questions and system design interview prep.

The Value of Tech Skills and IT Certifications
Starting a career in IT is challenging. The right IT certificates at the right moment can help you. This course will teach you about the different IT certifications and their value.

Time Management – Maximizing Your Productivity
In this course, you will learn how to make the most effective use of the most scarce resource you have: time.

Time Management in a World of Interruptions
Are the 24 hours per day you have not enough for you? In case you answered "Yes" to this question, this course is for you because it will help you become more productive and achieve more in both your personal and your work life.

Top Skills Every Tech Professional Needs
This course will teach you strategies to develop and improve important skills that will complement your technical skills and be successful in the tech industry.

Transitioning from Academia to Industry
Academia to Industry with Dr. Katie Sasso-Schafer and Dr. Kelly Denney at the 2019 Women in Analytics Conference.

Turning the Corporate Ladder into an Escalator
Learn how to fast track your upward mobility within your company.

Web Development Interview Handbook
A comprehensive resource for preparing for web development interviews, covering both front-end and back-end topics.