Software Development
Showing 1969–1980 of 2769 results
Monitoring Containerized Application Health with Docker
You can add consistent monitoring to your whole application with Docker, the same for every container in every environment. This course teaches you how to expose metrics from Linux and Windows containers, collect them, and display them in dashboards.
Monitoring Java applications on Azure
Learn how to use monitoring for your Java applications on Azure
Monitoring Key Systems with Prometheus Exporters
Gathering metrics from a variety of systems is challenging if you do it all from scratch. This course will teach you how to load metrics from common systems into Prometheus using exporters so you can spend more time optimizing your applications.
Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Optimizing SharePoint 2016
SharePoint, like other applications can slow down or not always perform as expected. This course will teach you the basics of monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing SharePoint, getting the best performance for all users. Software required: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, SQL Server 2014 SP2, SQL Server 2016, and SharePoint Server 2016.
More Effective Agile: A Roadmap for Software Leaders
This course describes the most effective practices for Agile software development and best practices for their implementation.
Move data into and out of Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
Migrate data into and out of Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL using Azure services and open-source solutions.
Mutation Testing in Java with Pitest
Traditional unit testing techniques like TDD and code coverage are not enough to write high-quality unit tests. In this course, you'll learn how mutation testing can help you write better tests.
NetBeans IDE 13 Fundamentals
This course helps you get up to speed and quickly start contributing to your development team in a variety of ways including coding, testing, debugging, refactoring, and version control.
NEW: Spring Boot 3 Securing Your Application with JWT Token
Spring Boot 3 + Spring Security 6 : JWT Authentication and Authorisation [NEW] [2023]
Next.js – The ultimate way to build React apps
Learn to build efficient and scalable React applications using Next.js, focusing on server-side rendering and static site generation.
NGINX WebServer and LoadBalancer
NGINX WebServer - LoadBalancer
Node Application Patterns
Design and development patterns for building applications in Node.js.