Software Engineering
Showing 61–72 of 404 results

Building Modern Applications (Java – Kafka – Microservices)
All In One (Java, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka and Microservices)

Building Real-Life Applications with Blazor WebAssembly
Learn practical projects that will teach the fundamentals of the Blazor WebAssembly framework.

Building Resilient Event-Driven Microservices Apps in .NET 7
Implementing Event-driven Microservices Architecture in .NET 7

Building Robust Object-Oriented Python Applications and Libraries
Learn to create robust and maintainable object-oriented applications in Python, with a focus on design principles and library development.

Building Scalable Backend Services in Go
Learn to create scalable back-end services in Go, focusing on RESTful APIs and efficient data handling.

Building Secure RESTful APIs with NestJS: A Practical Guide
This course teaches you how to build robust and secure RESTful APIs using the NestJS framework.

Building Tesla’s Battery Range Calculator with React & Redux
Learn to build a functional battery range calculator for Tesla vehicles using React and Redux, focusing on real-time data and user interaction.

Building Twitter Bot With Python and Tweepy – Python Project
Learn Automation By Building Twitter Bot With Python, Tweepy And Twitter API. Python Project For Twitter Automation!

Building Web Applications with Blazor
Learn Blazor: a .NET-based framework for building fast and secure in-browser applications.

Building Web Applications with React and ASP.NET Core
Learn to build modern web applications using Microsoft’s .NET framework and the popular JavaScript library, React, for creating user interfaces.

Building Web Scraping Bot With Python and Beautiful Soup
Learn Automation By Building Web Scraping Bot With Python, Beautiful Soup and Email Module - Fun Python Project!

Bulletproof Ruby on Rails Applications
bulletproof rails