Cloud Computing
Showing 1453–1464 of 1564 results

Updating Stacks with AWS CloudFormation
This course will teach you how you can automate updates within CloudFormation templates for both single accounts and organizations.

Upgrading and Monitoring the Apigee Hybrid API Platform
This course discusses the upgrade process for Apigee hybrid, and teaches you how to monitor and troubleshoot the hybrid runtime plane components.

Upgrading to Microsoft Teams from Skype for Business
Microsoft Teams is the fastest growing product in Microsoft 365, but many organizations are still using Skype for Business. This course will teach you how to plan and migrate to Microsoft's newest collaboration tool, Microsoft Teams.

UPValenciaX: IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Cybersecurity and social implications
Working with Information Technology (IT) without the necessary background? Learn about cybersecurity, careers, and social implications of IT

Using Docker on AWS with the Command Line
Get yourself up to speed running your Docker workloads on AWS. Learn the CLI tools you'll need to manage containers using ECS - including Amazon's managed container launch type, Fargate - and Kubernetes (EKS) and the ECR image repo service.

Using EF Core 6 with Azure Cosmos DB
EF Core is a lightweight and extensible object-database mapper for .NET, and EF Core 6 contains many improvements to the Azure Cosmos DB database provider. This course will teach you how to use the provider in your applications.

Using GitOps to Automate Kubernetes Deployments with Flux 2
Deploying applications to Kubernetes clusters in a reliable and repeatable manner is difficult to achieve. This course will teach you how to adopt a GitOps workflow to automate application deployments using Flux 2.

Using IBM Cloud Code Engine
This course covers the fundamentals of using IBM Cloud® Code Engine and buildpacks for deploying and managing applications in a cloud native environment.

Using IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
This course covers the use of IBM Cloud® Kubernetes Service to develop and deploy applications. It explores cluster access, as well as, planning, development, deployment, and testing the app.

Using Microsoft Azure Resource Groups
Resource groups are the most fundamental part of Microsoft Azure. This course will teach you how to use them to manage your Azure resources.

Using Performance and Availability Metrics to Measure the Health of Services
This course reviews performance and availability metrics to measure the health of services on IBM Cloud.

Using Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud
This course covers the use of Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud® to deploy, manage, and expose applications. It presents use cases as well as application integrations.