Cloud Computing
Showing 829–840 of 1564 results

Implementing and Managing Security Policies on IBM Cloud
This course articulates how to implement and manage security policies on IBM Cloud.

Implementing and Managing Virtual Networks on IBM Cloud
This course covers the high-level concepts for understanding virtual networks on cloud.

Implementing and Testing Blue-Green Deployments on AWS
In this course, you'll learn to use Blug-Green deployments with AWS services so you can release new functionality more rapidly and with less risk.

Implementing Authentication for a Serverless HTTP API on AWS
This course will teach you how to implement Amazon’s managed Cognito service for auth in a serverless application.

Implementing AWS EC2 Auto Scaling
As a developer or IT professional, you may need to implement elasticity using the Amazon EC2 compute service in practice. This course will introduce you to Auto Scaling groups and how to effectively implement and deploy them using Amazon EC2.

Implementing Containers on Windows Server 2016
In this course, you will learn how to deploy and manage containers on Windows Server 2016 in your own environment.

Implementing Data Continuity and Availability in Microsoft Azure
Data is the foundation for almost every business application, so it is critical that the data foundation is resilient and highly available. In this course you'll explore how to ensure continuity and availability for Azure data service instances.

Implementing Encryption Models
This course describes how to implement data protection and encryption models on IBM Cloud.

Implementing Hybrid Data Solutions in Microsoft Azure
With its vast array of data services it can often be unclear how Azure data services can be part of a hybrid solution. In this course we will explore hybrid solutions that include Azure data services, including connectivity considerations.

Implementing Message Brokering with Amazon MQ
This course will teach you to implement message brokering using Amazon MQ, including creating brokers and queues, sending and receiving messages, and monitoring/securing services.

Implementing Microsoft Azure Backup
Making sure a company can recover from the loss of data is crucial. This course will show you how to utilize Microsoft Azure Backup for both your Azure and your on-premises backup needs.

Implementing Microsoft Azure Marketplace Tools & Resources
The Azure Marketplace is a unique opportunity for both customers and ISVs. This course explains the benefits the Marketplace brings for both groups, including reliability, licensing and billing flexibility, and access to customers.