Software Development
Showing 1273–1284 of 2824 results

HarvardX: CS50’s AP® Computer Science Principles
This is CS50 AP, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for students in high school, which satisfies the College Board's new AP CS Principles curriculum framework.

HarvardX: CS50’s Computer Science for Lawyers
This course is a variant of Harvard University's introduction to computer science, CS50, designed especially for lawyers (and law students).

HarvardX: CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
Learn to use machine learning in Python in this introductory course on artificial intelligence.

HarvardX: CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
This course picks up where CS50 leaves off, diving more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap.

HarvardX: Data Science: Machine Learning
Build a movie recommendation system and learn the science behind one of the most popular and successful data science techniques.

HarvardX: Data Science: Productivity Tools
Keep your projects organized and produce reproducible reports using GitHub, git, Unix/Linux, and RStudio.

HarvardX: Data Science: R Basics
Build a foundation in R and learn how to wrangle, analyze, and visualize data.

HarvardX: Fundamentals of TinyML
Focusing on the basics of machine learning and embedded systems, such as smartphones, this course will introduce you to the “language” of TinyML.

HarvardX: Introduction to Data Science with Python
Learn the concepts and techniques that make up the foundation of data science and machine learning.

HarvardX: Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra
Learn to use R programming to apply linear models to analyze data in life sciences.

HarvardX: Introduction to Probability
Learn probability, an essential language and set of tools for understanding data, randomness, and uncertainty.

HarveyMuddX: CS For All: Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming
A fun, fast-paced introduction to solving interesting problems with computer science through Python programming.