Software Development
Showing 1801–1812 of 2824 results

LFCS Additional Essential Commands Topics
Linux is everywhere and sits at the heart of cloud computing making it hard to avoid. This course will teach you the skills needed to effectively navigate and use the Linux essentials commands from the command line.

LINQ Best Practices
This course will teach you how to fully harness the power of LINQ by exploring best practices and avoiding common pitfalls by solving fun and challenging problems.

LINQ Fundamentals
Big changes have been made to C# thanks to LINQ. This course will give you everything you need to work with the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) features of C#, using practical examples and demonstrating some best practices.

LINQ Fundamentals in C#
This course teaches you how to use the LINQ syntax to select, filter, extract, partition, identify, union, join, group, and aggregate data contained in C# collections.

Linux Administration with sed and awk
Would you like to programmatically edit files or extract complex data from text files? This course will teach you the skills needed to master text files with tens of thousands of lines; editing content and filtering the data you need.

Linux Command Line – From Zero to Expert
Get in the rhythm of the command line as a first step towards Linux System Administration, VoIP and many more areas

Linux Essential
Conquer the linux command line and become a confident user

Linux Operating System: A complete Linux guide for Beginners
Linux Command Line, Ubuntu, shell scripting, bash shell, Linux Administration, Linux Operating system, IT job essentials

Linux Systems Programming
The Linux family of operating systems is one of the most popular platforms to deploy modern applications on. This course will teach you how to interact with Linux operating systems in the C programming language.

LinuxFoundationX: Besu Essentials: Creating a Private Blockchain Network
Want to get hands-on experience with a blockchain? Start your blockchain journey by getting to know the functionality and features of the open-source, Java-based Ethereum client, Besu.

LinuxFoundationX: Exploring GraphQL: A Query Language for APIs
Learn about GraphQL, an alternative to REST, and practice GraphQL queries in an interactive playground.

LinuxFoundationX: FDC3: Interoperability for the Financial Desktop
The FDC3 standard for application interoperability has become a key fintech enabler for transformation as financial organizations embrace micro-frontend-oriented workflows. Learn about the vision and key concepts of FDC3, the benefits it provides, and how workflow-driven design makes it easy to get started with FDC3.