Software Development
Showing 2521–2532 of 2824 results

Thinking Functionally in Scala 2
Scala is emerging as a popular choice for working with large datasets and frameworks such as Spark. This course focuses on functional programming construct fundamentals and moves to first class functions and higher order methods of collections.

Thirst-quenching Streams for the Reactive Mind
This talk will cover how streams leverage on the underlying multicore processor to achieve parallelism, the push vs. pull streaming model, a simple use case with code examples to illustrate different API usages, and runtime processing analysis.

Tic-Tac-Toe with C++
This course will teach beginner-level coders to build the classic game Tic-Tac-Toe in C++ using a modular programming method.

TokyoTechX: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
The term “Computation” refers to the action performed by a computer. A computation can be a basic operation and it can also be a sophisticated computer simulation requiring a large amount of data and substantial resources. This course aims at introducing learners with no prior knowledge to the basic key concepts of computer science. By following the lectures and exercises of this course, you will gain an understanding of algorithms by programming using the language Ruby.

Tomcat 9 for Java Development
Master Apache Tomcat to develop Java web applications. In this short course, you will learn how to configure, deploy, troubleshoot, and secure Java web applications on Tomcat.

Tooling, Git and GitHub products
This module provides an overview of Git, GitHub, and version control. It provides step-by-step guidance for performing basic tasks in GitHub.

Top 5 security items to consider before pushing to production
Secure your web applications on Azure and protect your apps against the most common and dangerous web application attacks.

Top 5 Things You Can Do to Reduce Operational Load
Based on PagerDuty's data and conversations with thousands of customers, Rachel will talk about the easiest things you can do to make a big difference in reducing operational work from incidents.

Track global air quality with Azure Maps
This module shows how to track global air quality by using the Azure Maps web SDK and pollution data from a third-party air quality API.

Track wild polar bears with AI
Detect and track polar bears through photos using AI, and then use Power BI to show on a map where an array of virtual cameras spots polar bears.

Train a machine learning model for predictive maintenance by using ML.NET Model Builder
Train a machine learning model in Visual Studio with ML.NET by using Model Builder, which uses sensor data to detect whether a manufacturing device is broken.

Transform business software authoring with fusion development teams
Do you want to empower your development team to build better apps, faster? Maybe you want your development teams to work more efficiently with and deliver more value to your business teams. Or you want to free business, or citizen, developers to create applications for their ever changing needs. Ultimately you want your software development, IT, and business teams to work better together; a new software development paradigm called Fusion Development teams can help.