Software Development
Showing 253–264 of 2824 results

Build .NET applications with C#
.NET is a free, cross-platform, open source developer platform for building many different types of applications. With .NET, you can use multiple languages, editors, and libraries to build for web, mobile, desktop, games, and IoT.

Build a 3D mobile app with Power Apps in mixed reality
In this module, you'll learn about the foundational elements required to build a mixed reality application in the Power Apps low-code rapid development environment. You'll also build a sales-oriented 3D mobile mixed reality application using Power Apps in mixed reality.

Build a 3D Scene for mixed reality in Unity
Create a 3D Scene in Unity using the Microsoft Maps SDK or static terrain. Your workflow will include designing a scene, building a windfarm, and deploying to a mixed reality device.

Build a bot by using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code
A bot, commonly called a chat bot, communicates with users through conversations. Users interact with bots by sending and receiving messages through a chat interface. In this module, you'll learn how to use Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code to build a bot for Microsoft Teams.

Build a command-line to-do list program
Create a command-line program to manage to-do list items.

Build a Connect Four game with Blazor
In this module, you learn the fundamentals of Blazor while building a "Connect Four" game.

Build a containerized web application with Docker
Package a web app so that it can be deployed as a Docker image and run from an Azure Container Instance.

Build a Java app with cloud-scale NoSQL Cosmos DB
Learn how to build a Java-language database app to store and query data in Azure Cosmos DB.

Build a Microsoft Teams tab app by using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code
A tab is a large canvas where you can display content such as webpages, documents, or custom app experiences. In this module, you'll learn how to build a Microsoft Teams tab by using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

Build a mobile and desktop app with Blazor Hybrid and .NET MAUI
Learn how to set up your development environment and build your first cross-platform hybrid app with Blazor, .NET MAUI, and C#.

Build a Node.js app for Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) in Visual Studio Code
Build a database app to store and query data in Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) by using Visual Studio Code and Node.js.

Build a real-time event-driven Java solution in Azure
Send event-based telemetric data in real time to Azure Cosmos DB by using Azure Functions and an event hub.