Adding Styling with Bootstrap Typography and Utilities
Typography can make a site shine or not. This course will teach you how to work with Bootstrap’s typography tools and utilities.
A site without much thought of typography looks unprofessional and amateur. In this course, Adding Styling with Bootstrap Typography and Utilities, you’ll learn to work with Bootstrap’s typography tools. First, you’ll explore the fundamentals of fonts and resources to help you select the right ones. Next, you’ll discover Bootstrap’s typography settings and how to apply them. Finally, you’ll learn how to use the text utilities in Bootstrap. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Bootstrap’s typography needed to produce professional websites with beautiful styles.
Author Name: Emmanuel Henri
Author Description:
Emmanuel has been responsible for all aspects of client-driven web and mobile projects, including timelines and scope. These projects have used JIRA/Atlassian tools, agile methodologies, and languages and frameworks such as React, Angular, Node, Meteor, GraphQL, JavaScript, Swift, HTML, CSS (Sass), MongoDB, and MySQL. He also works in the 3D gaming world, using tools such as Unity, ZBrush, Maya, and several others. He has a passion for creating applications and games that leverage the latest tec… more
Table of Contents
- Course Overview
1min - Exploring Typography Fundamentals
14mins - Working with Bootstrap’s Typography Settings
18mins - Working with Bootstrap’s Text Utilities
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